Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Resume Writting Tips!

The though of writing a resume can be intimidating because it is difficult to know where to start and what to include. It’s important to take the time and make sure that all your experience is documented appropriately because your resume is a very important document that can make or break whether you receive a job interview.

Your resume is the only thing you have to make a good impression on the company that you are applying with, and could be the deciding factor between you and another candidate with same amount of experience. Take the extra time to make sure your resume outlines every single job responsibility in a concise manner.

Here are ten (10) tips in writing for good resume writing.
1.Use a headline that matches the job you want- Most employers receive hundreds of resumes and take a quick 5 second glance. Use job titles and skill headings that relate to the job you want.
2.Spell-check- Always click the spell check button. A recruiter or hiring manager may skip over your resume since they see you didn’t take the time to correct spelling errors.
3.Use proper English- When you are writing about a current job use present tense and when you are writing about a past job use past tense.
For example:
CDE Company 1/2005 Present responsibilities: Answering phones, scheduling appointments
QRS Company 2/2005-3/2008 Responsibilities: Answered phones, scheduled appointments.
4.Format your resume so that it is easy to read-A giant paragraph of one sentence after the other all jumbled together is difficult for an employer to read. Use bullets because the organize each job responsibility and makes it easier to read
5.Tweak and target your resume and cover letter-you will increase your chance of receiving an interview by tweaking your resume and cover letter so that address the specific skills each employer request.
6.Remember your resume is a business document-Avoid any pictures, and hobbies unless they directly relate to the job description.

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