Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What to do if you have recently been laid off

It has been a rough time for the United States Employment. More than 3.6 million American have lost their jobs since early 2008, with nearly 600,000 of those jobs cut in January. Some people have found new positions while the nation’s unemployment rate stands at 7.6 percent.

Here are some tips of what to do if you are laid off.

1.Negotiate Smartly.
If you have any reason to suspect your company might do
lay-offs, be aware of the severance packages being offered by the company. Then if you are laid off, negotiate for a layoff package just as you would for a salary. Ask if you can cash in your earned vacation time, or sick and personal days accumulated.

2.File for Unemployment.
Those who were employees should qualify for unemployment benefits. File as soon as possible as it can take up to two weeks to receive a check. P/T workers and Contractors don’t receive unemployment benefits

3. Talk it out.
Tell others what you are going through such as family or friends and perhaps they may refer you to a job or know of a place that is hiring.

4.Do not sign up for COBRA immediately.
You have 60 days after leaving a job to apply for COBRA. You might get a job in 30 days and may not need the benefits.

5.Maintain old Contacts.
Write thank-you notes to you supervisor and colleagues enclosing your contact information. They may keep you in mind if an opportunity rises.

6.Get involved in social networking websites.
Post your resume on facebook, myspace, and HiredIn. Create a professional profile and be sure to include all your qualifications. Attend networking events in your area.

7.Tighten up on expenses.
Without a pay check, this means a tighter budget. Cut out magazine subscriptions, eating at restaurants and any other miscellaneous items that are not needed.

8.Stay Positive.
Easier said then done, right? Get up every morning and do some exercise. Then dedicate a certain time everyday for networking, applying for jobs, and attending work related events such as a job fair.

Feel free to leave any comments about how you got through a tough time after being laid off.

Don’t forget our first job fair for 2009 is Wednesday March 25th from 10am to 2pm at The Baltimore Convention center.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Weekly EG Publication

EG Weekly Publication February 23rd-March 1st
EG Weekly Publication February 23rd-March 1st

Check out this week's great career opportunities:
All-State Career
OnPoint Staffing
North American Trade Schools
AEX Group
Baltimore School of Massage
Maryland Department of Public Safety
D&T Sales Service
Bello Machre
Ivy Hall
Scotts Lawn Service

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Whether you’re on the hunt for your very first job or just looking for a change of scenery, preparing for an interview can be daunting. Not to worry, the best way to do well in an interview is to be prepared. These few steps will show you how to enter the interview with confidence.

1.Find out as much information as possible about the company.
First talk to your family and friends. Do they know anyone who has been interviewed with the company? Find out about the job duties and requirements needed for the position. Do an internet search and see if the employer has a website. Read the mission statement and the history about the company. Does the company specialize in a specific field? This will help you ask intelligent questions and show that you have some knowledge about the company

2.Do a Pre-Interview Self Assessment.
Are you able to tell your prospective employer positive information about yourself?
Make a list of your skills and personality traits that would benefit the position that you are applying for. Make a list of possible interview questions and practice them out loud with a friend or a family member. Be able to give specific answers and not just general statements. Here are a few of some of the most common questions asked.
•Tell me a little about your self
•What are your strengths and weaknesses?
•Why should we hire you?
•What specific skills could you bring into the company?

3.Dress in a professional manner.
Proper Business Attire for Men
•Choose a conservative suite in navy, black or gray either pinstripe or solid.
•A solid white dress shirt.
•Ties should be made of a silk like fabric. Avoid ties with cartoon characters.
•Shoe should be clean and well polished. No tennis shoes or flip flops should be worn.
•Keep jewelry to a minimum and don’t wear any earrings.
•Personal hygiene is the key to success. Don’t over due your fragrance.

Proper attire for Women
•Start with a skirted suit or pants for the most conservative look. How ever skirted suits look more professional.
•Skirts should be knee-length or slightly above or below.
•Blouses and sweaters provide color and variety to woman’s clothing, but should be appealing and not revealing.
•Makeup shouldn’t be put on heavy.
•Avoid excessive amounts of jewelry. Keep it simple one ring per hand, and one set of earrings in each ear.
•Personal hygiene is the key to success. Don’t over due your fragrance.
•Wear dress shoes with a medium heel. Avoid flip flops and tennis shoes.

Now you are ready to attend your interview. Good luck and best regards to you. Let us know about your interview. Feel free to leave some tips and success stories.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

EG Publication

EG Weekly Publication February 16th-22nd
EG Weekly Publication February 16th-22nd

Check out this week's great career opportunities:
North American Trade Schools
CES Security
John Hopkins (Medical Research)
All-State Career
American Beauty Academy
MV Transportation
Stella Maris
Scotts Lawn Service
USA Truck

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Spice up the Resume!!!!

The same way you know how employees deceive you in every day business is how HR professionals catch the dishonest so easily. When lies are present there are inconsistencies and makes the interview even harder to pull off.

Want to spice up your resume and attract more attention? It's easy. Write your resume to stand out among the hundreds of resumes that hiring managers skim each day, but do not LIE!

Most common lies on a resume are:
Dates: People change the months or days to make the dates work out or say they still work for a company they got fired from
Creating a miscellaneous job to cover up employment gaps: People create fake companies they have worked for to cover up gaps.
Education: People add degrees they didn’t complete, add fake extended degrees, or add a college they didn’t attend
Job Title: People put down their bosses title instead of their true title. People figure they have done everything their boss has so why not get some credit for it.
Compensation: People lie about what they actually made at a previous employer.
Reason for leaving: People feel like they can say they were laid off even if they were fired. In this time of layoffs people feel they can lie about why their employment was discontinued.

How to spice up your resume without lying:
•Dates: Put years and not months on the resume.
Creating a Miscellaneous job to cover up employment gaps: Change your resume layout to functional or hybrid.
Education: If you didn’t complete a degree don’t write it on the resume. Instead put “Studies In” whatever you major is.
Job Title: Include your official job title and not your bosses.
Compensation: Put in a range from example mid to upper 30’s. Then you aren’t blowing your negotiations or lying.
Reason for leaving: Don’t not include this in your resume. This question will come up in the interview and answer the question with positive circumstances as to why you left.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Weekly EG Publication

EG Weekly Publication February 2nd-February 9th
EG Weekly Publication February 2nd-February 9th

Check out this week's great career opportunities:
Corporate Express
MV Transportation
Oak Crest
North American Trade Schools
Signature Flight Support
Chimes, Inc.
All-State Career
Tesst College of Technology

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Career Education Myths

Getting ahead means more than choosing a career and finding a program that suits your goals. It’s all about understanding your desired career path and figuring out how you make the career training right for you and moving towards a brighter future.

The Employment Guide is here to help you further your education for a new career. Just simply go to The featured schools are Stein Academy and Dental Assistant Training school (DATS).

Many people think they know the right way to go about picking an occupation and end up choosing a job that is unsatisfying.

Here our some myths of choosing a career with resources that can help you make an informed decision.

1.Finding a career is easy
Choosing a career involves a process and needs allotted time. The career planning process involves four steps. The foremost and important is assessing yourself and explore the occupation in which you are interested in. Research the career you are interested in before you commit to it.

2.A career counselor can tell me what occupation to chose
Actually, a career counselor or any other career professional can’t tell you what career is best for you. The career professional can help guide you through your decision.

3.Making a lot of money will make me happy
Salary is important, but it shouldn’t be the only factor looked at while choosing a career. Money doesn’t necessarily lead to job satisfaction. Enjoying what you do at work will make the job more successful and life less stressful.

4.Once I choose a career I’ll be stuck in it forever
If you are unsatisfied with a career you can always change it. Many people change careers several times over the course of their lifetimes.

5.If I change careers my skills are useless
The skills you obtained are yours to keep. You can take your skills from one job to another. The skills may not be used in the exact same way, but they won’t go to waste. Besides you could share your skills to a friend or family member.

6.If my friend or family member is happy in a particular field then I will be too
Everyone is different that is what makes us unique. Even if you have a lot in common with this person be sure doesn’t necessarily mean you will like the same career.

7.All I have to do is pick a career and everything else will fall into place
Choosing a career is a good start,but you don’t stop there. Research the career before making a final decision.Then assess yourself to see if you are a good fit for that particular career. For example,if you are good with numbers and like Mathematics then choosing a career in Accounting will be a good choice.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Weekly EG Publication

EG Weekly Publication February 2nd-February 8th
EG Weekly Publication February 2nd-February 8th

Check out this week's great career opportunities:
American Beauty Academy
Burger King
North American Trade Schools
All-State Career
Medix School
Eyre Bus Service
Alban Tractor
Pendum, Inc.
Admiral Security